hello! thanks for stopping by
Saturday, October 31, 2009
Monday, October 26, 2009
Monday, October 12, 2009
Monday, October 5, 2009
Thursday, September 24, 2009
Wednesday, September 23, 2009
aren't I the motivated one today?
So - that's out of the way, and now I'm off to Bead World for sterling silver chain and a large bale, to alter the length of a necklace for a customer. She's my "mystery customer" so far. We had a very pleasant conversation by phone, but I haven't met her in person yet. That's for tomorrow!
I'm on the hunt for a large, chunky silver cross, or blossom, or bird, or whatever else catches my eye to be the focal point for these beads:
turquoise and garnet knotted on silk
Thursday, September 17, 2009
it's been a while
blogs -wouldn't mind keeping on with this blog as an online journal for myself.
camera -keep practicing, need to take a class.
email -tool, speedy, not as nice as old-school correspondence, I'm sick of seeing the abbreviation "LOL".
Etsy - keep trying, it's always going to be at my own pace, nice community in general.
Facebook - sort of like feeling unpopular in high school all over again.
Flickr -Yes! How I travel since I can't afford to. Nice.
Twitter - I'm too old, don't need it, don't text anyone about anything, nothing about my life is THAT urgent.
You Tube -how? Probably will figure it out. Crashed my CPU trying to burn a movie to DVD.
website -fun to create for someone else, maybe someday I might need one.
creating with my hands and talking face-to-face...Make the time, take classes...DO IT!
Sunday, July 5, 2009
late night television

photo illustration self-portrait with my dog pack
Saturday, June 27, 2009
slow summer days

muffin and latte painted clogs

Wall-E and robot birthday cake

grackle at the pool
Wednesday, June 17, 2009
spending time with my camera

Monday, June 15, 2009
Sunday, June 7, 2009
Wednesday, May 27, 2009
i've been acting knotty
turquoise and garnet

velvet for jewelry display in an antique store


Tuesday, May 19, 2009
small steps every day
Here are some of my latest online listings in my shop.

Agate and jade necklace

Swarovsky and Czech glass bracelet
Saturday, May 16, 2009
what i'm working on today

Sunday, May 3, 2009
up and running again
...my dead hard drive
Monday, April 20, 2009
uh oh
Now it needs diagnosis and data recovery help.
I probably need to buy a new CPU.
I knew better, but did not have all the latest/greatest info. on there backed up, so I will lose some unless it can be recovered.
Most of what wasn't backed up I don't care that much about, except for some photos.
It seems that this will be an expensive and somewhat time-consuming lesson for me to learn.
...posting this from someone else's computer...
Sunday, April 5, 2009
Sunday, March 29, 2009
Wednesday, March 25, 2009
messing around with photoshop
I spent some time experimenting with artistic filters in Photoshop, and came up with this result. It is a portrait of a family member's dog. I had to create her left eye color where none showed due to lack of contrast. It's not perfect, but not bad for a first attempt, I think. It may make a nice poster if I ever decide to print it out in large size.
Monday, March 16, 2009
little camping getaway

Saturday, March 7, 2009
hello little blossom

I spied this tiny flower way down low to the ground while I strolled down the sidewalk yesterday. All the desert wildflowers are starting to bloom.
Tuesday, March 3, 2009
i've been tying knots lately

vintage german glass beads
I have created four necklaces in a row that have beads knotted on silk. It has been kind of relaxing. I don't really like the little sterling clamshell knot cover that lets me join the strand to the toggle or clasp or whatever other findings I want to use. I need to research what other options are available...or engineer my own solution.
Wednesday, February 25, 2009
60,000 mile tune-up
Well, I'm feeling fine, and everything seems the same as ever, but within the past 48 days following my routine annual physical I have...
been to that certain doctor because I'm a girl for a checkup,
seen the dentist for a cleaning,
cracked a tooth and saw the dentist again for so he could make my first crown (temporary right now),
taken my dog to the vet twice,
had ultrasound scans of 3 separate body parts,
been to another doctor so she could look at everything (where the sun don't shine...),
seen the urologist 4 times for a humiliating scope and tests that I hope I never have to repeat,
taken my son to the pediatrician and two ear specialists prior to ear tube surgery,
taken my son to the hospital for outpatient surgery to have ear tubes put in,
been to the gastroenterologist for a consult,
swallowed a radioactive pill,
had 3 separate appointments for a scan of some other body part,
had blood drawn twice.
I am still looking forward to...
getting my permanent crown,
having a preventative scope of another of my body parts,
having two more of my body parts squished and scanned,
taking my son for a follow-up check on his ear tubes,
taking my dog for a follow-up procedure at the vet.
I am thankful to live in the age of modern medicine, and I am REALLY thankful that I can say "so far, so good!"
Saturday, February 7, 2009
today i made a treasury
Today I was lucky and for the first time secured a spot in the treasury pages of Etsy.com . The curator of the treasury may select twelve items from various sellers and showcase them on a treasury page. The treasury shows a photo of each item, and links the viewer to each vendor's shop. Viewers may post comments.
My treasury has a forest theme, and features mostly paintings and prints filled with beautiful trees, birds, flowers, and various animals.
Here is the link so that you can go and take a look. Enjoy!
This treasury will expire at 10:57am on Tuesday, 2/10/2009. If you don't get a chance to see it before it expires, here are the links to the featured artists:
Wednesday, February 4, 2009
can you see me now?
I'm glad to live and learn. It's all trial and error by the self-taught method over here, so I REALLY appreciate the feedback. Hopefully this looks cool.
Now...if only I could figure out how to get my little captions under my pictures to go where I want to place them. The best solution I have come up with so far is to underscore a line in front of my caption long enough to push my words out far enough so they are lined up under the image, then change the color of the underscore to match the background color of my blog so it becomes invisible and leaves only the caption showing. Sometimes it works fine, but heaven forbid if I try to move things around later. Even at that, when I view my blog from someone else's computer it doesn't always look the same as what I see from my monitor at home.
Hopefully, I'll look back on this an laugh at my own inexperince. In the meantime, if things look out of whack....well, it's me...not you!
Tuesday, February 3, 2009
spring cleaning for the soul
Maybe it's my age or my hormones or who knows what, but I feel so much like I'm spinning my wheels, not doing what I SHOULD be doing, in terms of living a life worthy of all I have been given...my health, family, artistic talent, an absolutely idyllic childhood, supportive family and friends. I told my mom the other day that I don't feel like I am doing my "best" at anything anymore.
Balance those thoughts with the little voice inside my head that tells me that, of course, I am doing largely what I envisioned and hoped for long ago every time I do chores and cook dinner, help the kids with homework and field trips, take the pets to the vet, pay bills, do laundry, grocery shop, and all the other occupations that fill my time. Mom bolstered my spirits by saying that I was doing my best at raising two nice kids!

Make more interesting and beautiful jewelry?
Go to bed earlier?
Improve my metalworking skills?
Market myself to sell better?
Be more patient and kind?
Exercize more (way more)?
Maintain genuine friendships?
Pray more?
Spend less time on the computer, and more time in the studio?
...I am trying, and I am trying to "do my BEST."