hello! thanks for stopping by

Come on in and see what's happening in my studio.

Thursday, April 22, 2010

remember these days?

I love these two!

thanks, mom

I called my mother on the phone today to ask her to describe how to do an invisible ladder stitch to close up a pillow I was sewing. A few minutes later I called her again because my seam had gaps. Ultimately, she came to my house and showed me the stitch. She is an excellent dollmaker, and I was filled with love for her as I watched her knuckles, swollen from arthritis, expertly and swiftly make the tiniest of stitches with ease.
Thank you Mom for countless lessons, for so many phone calls when I needed to visit, for teaching me how to live. I love you.

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

my studio

I cleaned out my indoor workspace recently
Yes, this is "after," not "before"

creativity with the girl scouts

18" x 18" fabric couch pillows

This week the fourth-grade Junior Girl Scouts and I made these pillows. They will be auctioned off at the annual school spring fundraising event.

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

t-shirt art from home

Recently I expeirmented with printing out iron-on fabric transfers on my home inkjet printer, using my own photographs and original art. They turned out fine. Fast and easy!

Monday, April 19, 2010

what is new around here

hollow form ring made from sterling silver, copper and brass
front view
I am taking a metalsmithing class at the community college called Jewelry I, and it has been very engrossing, challenging and fun. The instructor has a lot of knowledge to impart, and has an outstanding reputation around town as a great instructor. My classmates are becoming my good friends. I live within walking distance of the classroom as well, which is in the brand new art building. It is a modern and well-equipped workspace, and comes complete with an art gallery and upstairs open-air deck for exhibits and gatherings. Lucky me!

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