hello! thanks for stopping by

Come on in and see what's happening in my studio.

Sunday, November 30, 2008

it's that time, and i'm getting ready

It hasn't really turned cold yet this year. For us "turned cold" means the car windshield gets frost on it overnight and you have to run the hose over it in the morning, which makes you late for taking the kids to school. They're still wearing short pants and a sweatshirt in the morning. So December is here, and we are sticking to our budget, just like a lot of families are doing. It doesn't seem like the Christmas season yet. I don't relate to all the print ads and TV programs that show snow and fireplaces, and people wearing warm clothing. We are not shopping or traveling or eating out. We're still wearing sandals.

my front door advent wreath
to celebrate the season I made an Advent wreath for the front door of the house. Instead of candles to light each Sunday, my daughter and I chose three distinct purple ornaments and one rose colored one. We picked out bendable ribbon with wire in it, silver pointsettias to add each week, and one white ornament to hang in the middle on Christmas day along with red ribbon to make a bow for the top. True to how I do most things, we went and picked all of this out at Wal-mart in twenty minutes because we had to be somewhere else after that. We kept it down to $28 because that was all I had to spend. We can make up the difference by eating some more mac and cheese. My neighbor refers to Wal-Mart as "the Beast." I hope young children in a sweatshop somewhere didn't make my ornaments, but lately my politics play second fiddle to my budget. So far so good. The "command" hook on the front door is still holding it all up. Fingers crossed.

I really do like nativity scenes and advent wreaths.

Friday, November 28, 2008

happy thanksgiving

______________________________thanksgiving dessert

Happy Thanksgiving! I am thankful to God for all the blessings He has given me. This was one of the desserts I made for our feast. It is strawberry cheesecake pie, and it gets devoured fast every time I make it.

Tuesday, November 25, 2008

a wonderful way to spend the afternoon

Last Sunday I had the wonderful opportunity to go to the Udinotti Museum of Figurative Art in Paradise Valley, Arizona to see this exhibit:

Gestures of Beauty and Elegant Pose
Japanese Prints of Actors and Beautiful Women
Prints dating from 1690 - 1830
From the Barry and Elizabeth Rosensteel Collection

The space and display of the prints was fabulous; the museum owner Agnese Udinotti was gracious and spoke eloquently; the freedom to completely wander all areas of the museum and studio space was generous; our friends the owners of the collection were humble; and the food was great.
Just seeing this space was inspiring. I had the feeling after I came home that I needed to throw out seventy-five percent of everything I own just to clear out the clutter, to cut down to the very essence of only what is important. I felt like I was absorbing a lesson that could be applied to my spiritual life, my relationships, the objects I choose to own, and my work and living spaces.


Saturday, November 22, 2008

thank you to nice customers!...and...my 365's are coming along

Thank you to my wonderful customers here in Phoenix, and online as well. It is a pleasure doing business with all of you, and I thank you all for the experience you have given me.

Well, it's day 19, and my 365's are starting to grow in size. You can check my progress on Flickr.com . I have organized my photos a little more at that site, so it is easier to find and look at specific items.

Thursday, November 20, 2008

my update on "the cost of doing business"

I have done some follow up at the shop that sells my items on consignment. I took in more inventory to hopefully sell over the holidays, and am pleased to say that the item at the highest value which I previously could not account for has actually been sold. Yeah! That's a relief. (Two other bracelets I had missed were in stock and I just hadn't seen them, and I was paid for one "mystery item" that doesn't jive with my records, so I am applying that payment to a necklace I can't account for).

So...that leaves one necklace and one stretch bracelet unaccounted for, and it is possible they sold within the past month...

I still think there must be a better way for me to keep track of my items, but this would put my "losses" at under $20, which is much less that what I previously blogged about. I still am very glad to do business with the owners of this cute shop, and I am thankful for the experience!

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

cats and birds who love each other

I still love folk art.

tuxedo cats and canary bird earrings

ideas in the works

Happy customers
I have been "yard sale-ing" my old inventory of jewelry and other small items to generate a little cash flow, and that went pretty well, especially considering that I didn't advertise and money is tight these days.

Today I worked on a potential commission for someone who wants a specific image painted on some boots. I sent her a preliminary sketch, and if she approves then it's a go. She wants upward-pointing angel wings in a tribal tattoo theme. This is what I came up with so far. I envisioned that when she stands together the design will form a heart with a flame above it, for it is when we come together that we find love. The flame is so she will keep her passion burning. The swallow is for giving flight to her dreams, and the vines are for growth.
I hope she likes it....

my idea for painted tattoo wings on boots. this is 14:365

Saturday, November 8, 2008

hey, this is kind of fun


I'm on day 5 of my 365 journals, and it is fun to wake up and think about what I'm going to work on. I didn't actually create any art on days 3 and 4, but I did photo document how I spent my time anyhow to keep it honest. (chores on day 3, and playing card games with the kids on day 4). I may end up with 365 days of looking back to see all the days I didn't actually create art, but that's not my intent. At the least I hope I get better at taking photos, and using the computer.

________________________________________________5:365. This is a pendant bead for a sunflower themed necklace.

I remember as a teenager, Mom telling us kids that everyone has 24 hours each day to use, and everyone has chores like laundry to do, but somehow it's up to each to manage her time so that things get done appropriately. Now let's see if I can become more productive.

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

yesterday i started a 365 journal

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1:365studio . do you see bondo?

I have been motivated and inspired by others' daily photo journals that go on for 365 days that I have seen on flickr.com . I want to do the same, to try to be creative in some way each day and document my efforts. I think for me it is realistic to think that my time and energy may be scattered, so I decided to create a 365 plan in 3 parts, in the hope that I can focus in at least one of the three areas at some point each day. I'm calling the parts "365art," "365studio," and "365me." My goals are to create more actual art, to improve my workspace, and to have fun with a self portrait now and then while I try to improve my skills as a photographer. I plan to take a photo daily, and upload images weekly to my Flickr account. I'll see how that goes, and make adjustments as I go along.

The election day of our new president, Barack Obama seemed like a good enough starting point. So....here goes....

Today is 2:365 .

2:365studio/me , learning "blog" basics by trial & error




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