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1:365studio . do you see bondo?
I have been motivated and inspired by others' daily photo journals that go on for 365 days that I have seen on flickr.com . I want to do the same, to try to be creative in some way each day and document my efforts. I think for me it is realistic to think that my time and energy may be scattered, so I decided to create a 365 plan in 3 parts, in the hope that I can focus in at least one of the three areas at some point each day. I'm calling the parts "365art," "365studio," and "365me." My goals are to create more actual art, to improve my workspace, and to have fun with a self portrait now and then while I try to improve my skills as a photographer. I plan to take a photo daily, and upload images weekly to my Flickr account. I'll see how that goes, and make adjustments as I go along.
The election day of our new president, Barack Obama seemed like a good enough starting point. So....here goes....
Today is 2:365 .
2:365studio/me , learning "blog" basics by trial & error