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Sunday, November 30, 2008

it's that time, and i'm getting ready

It hasn't really turned cold yet this year. For us "turned cold" means the car windshield gets frost on it overnight and you have to run the hose over it in the morning, which makes you late for taking the kids to school. They're still wearing short pants and a sweatshirt in the morning. So December is here, and we are sticking to our budget, just like a lot of families are doing. It doesn't seem like the Christmas season yet. I don't relate to all the print ads and TV programs that show snow and fireplaces, and people wearing warm clothing. We are not shopping or traveling or eating out. We're still wearing sandals.

my front door advent wreath
to celebrate the season I made an Advent wreath for the front door of the house. Instead of candles to light each Sunday, my daughter and I chose three distinct purple ornaments and one rose colored one. We picked out bendable ribbon with wire in it, silver pointsettias to add each week, and one white ornament to hang in the middle on Christmas day along with red ribbon to make a bow for the top. True to how I do most things, we went and picked all of this out at Wal-mart in twenty minutes because we had to be somewhere else after that. We kept it down to $28 because that was all I had to spend. We can make up the difference by eating some more mac and cheese. My neighbor refers to Wal-Mart as "the Beast." I hope young children in a sweatshop somewhere didn't make my ornaments, but lately my politics play second fiddle to my budget. So far so good. The "command" hook on the front door is still holding it all up. Fingers crossed.

I really do like nativity scenes and advent wreaths.

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